Chris Williams, Author Specializing in anthropomorphic speculative fiction

Independent Claws Episode 10 – Why am I Sitting Behind This Table?!

April 27

A brief episode touching on a few tips and tricks about being on panels at conventions, and a few things to avoid as an audience member.

No book recommendation this week, as it’s Fur the More weekend! Though, if you were so inclined, Bleak Horizons could use some love over at


Opening and closing music by Lee Rosevere and found at the Free Music Archive. Used under Creative Commons Attribution. For more by Lee Rosevere, visit this link:

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Independent Claws Episode 09 – No, It’s Okay. I Know You Hate It…

April 7

Sparf is back with a discussion on beta reading and critique, with some cautionary tales. As always, feel free to e-mail the show or contact us on Twitter @clawspodcast.

This episode’s recommended books:

The Writing and Critique Group Survival Guide

Bleak Horizons, edited by Tarl Hoch

Bad Dog Books 

Opening and closing music by Lee Rosevere and found at the Free Music Archive. Used under Creative Commons Attribution. For more by Lee Rosevere, visit this link:

Independent Claws Episode 08 – Wuv. Twue Wuv

February 23

This episode, Sparf discusses Romance (big R) as a genre, as well as its bleedover into erotica and some tips and thoughts for writing both.

Also, There are fewer than 5 days remaining to nominate works for the Ursa Major Awards If you are so inclined, Independent Claws is eligible in the Magazine category, and two of Sparf’s stories—The Torch, from Roar vol. 7 (available in ebook here) and Apostasy, from Fang vol. 7(available in ebook here)— are also eligible. They’re also available in print form from

This episode discusses sexual behavior between consenting adults and should not be listened to by anyone under the age of majority in their location.

Book Recommendations and links below the cut

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Independent Claws Episode 07 – Monsters

January 31

After a long holiday season and some real world issues, Sparf returns with the promised second part of his Horror episode. This time, the topic wanders from a couple of horror subgenres over to writing more frightening or realistic monsters.


Opening and closing music by Lee Rosevere and found at the Free Music Archive. Used under Creative Commons Attribution. For more by Lee Rosevere, visit this link:

Rogue One

December 16

I’ll be seeing it again on Saturday, but I wanted to get a couple of brief spoiler-free thoughts down.

I don’t think it’s as good a movie as Episode 7, but I don’t think it’s meant to be.

This movie is a different kind of Star Wars movie from the word ‘Go’ and it carries that difference all the way through to the end.

I’ve already heard some kvetching that the characters are flat with no growth, and I disagree insofar as it comes to our two principal protagonists. There is growth in both of them. As for the remainder of the ‘good guys,’ they’re stock characters for a war film. They’re jobbers. There isn’t a lot of growth there, but this is an ensemble movie in the way that Ocean’s 11 is an ensemble movie. There’s a little time for character development but not everyone gets a complete arc.

This is the first Star Wars movie that felt like it understood war and armed rebellion. In the past Star Wars has mostly been about machine combat. There are stormtroopers here and there, and rebel soldiers, but the foot soldiers exist to be slaughtered to show how powerful the machines are. There’s a little of that here, but there’s also the sense, for the first time, that the rebel soldiers are fighting for their lives against a nearly-unbeatable foe. I think that’s desperately important.

The galaxy isn’t just Jedi and smugglers and star pilots and cantina-scum. At the heart of it all is people, and when people choose to fight, there’s going to be infighting. There’s going to be collateral damage, and there are going to be visceral moments where the combat is bloody and close and painful.

So how well do they tie this movie into the original, A New Hope? Remarkably well, I would say. There are enough cameos and bit part hooks to place us back into the galaxy on the brink of civil war, but it also manages to tie up its loose ends. Nothing fails to make sense. Things that happen are tied up in such a way that there would be no need to mention them in Episode 4.

This is a prequel done right. If this had been the way the Clone Wars had been depicted in the film version, and a better story told, we wouldn’t be talking about the awful prequel trilogy to this day. We’d instead be talking about the dark turn Star Wars had taken. And sure, that’s not to everybody’s liking. Some people want philosophical battles between space monks with laser swords.

If you’re one of those people this movie is definitely not for you. However, if you’re the sort of person who would run a Star Wars tabletop RPG game and exclude certain character types in order to tell a different story in the universe, this movie will feel like home.

I definitely give it a recommendation and I look forward to seeing it again in a few days to catch bits I may have missed this go-round.

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Independent Claws – Episode 06 – Dystopia

December 9

Wait, wasn’t Sparf going to talk more about horror? Well, that episode is still coming. In light of the opening of submissions for a new dystopian fiction anthology from FurPlanet, it seemed prudent to help get word out and talk about writing furry dystopian fiction, and some ideas to consider to make yours stand out.

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Independent Claws episode 05a – Snails, Razorblades…the Horror, the Horror

October 31

This episode, the first of a two-parter, Sparf talks about Horror: some of the core tenets, the subgenres, and a discussion of tips for writing horror in general


The next episode will deal with some items of anthropomorphic animals in horror, how to play with them, what to do, etc. So stay tuned for that!




Opening and closing music by Lee Rosevere and found at the Free Music Archive. Used under Creative Commons Attribution. For more by Lee Rosevere, visit this link:

Independent Claws Ep. 04: “Like and Subscribe”

October 22

This episode Sparf talks about reviewing: What you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and how to craft a helpful review article.


Here is a link to the article on Card’s ‘Ender’ series that is mentioned in the episode:

Here is a link to this week’s recommended book, X, edited by Kyell Gold:


Opening and closing music by Lee Rosevere and found at the Free Music Archive. Used under Creative Commons Attribution. For more by Lee Rosevere, visit this link:

RAWR Write-a-Thon, Final Tally

October 15

Hello everyone.

Well, it’s been a ride. Good warmup for the coming NaNoWriMo (which I’ll be participating in).

Here’s where we stand. I cleared my word goal of 35,000 words by just 121, in a last minute burst of writing.

My personal goal of raising $250 for the workshop was met with a grand total, after fees, of $282.56, or 113% of the target goal.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for giving so generously, and thanks to everyone who donated their time and energy as well!

Overall, the Write-a-Thon raised $569.84 this time. That’s fantastic! I am a little sad that we didn’t reach Kyell’s story goals, but the fact that we did so well makes me very, very happy.

Where next? Well, don’t think I’m just going to go silent again. NaNoWriMo is coming up, and I’ve got the podcast to keep going with, so you have definitely not heard the last of me. for now, onward!


RAWR Write-a-Thon Update and Excerpt #5

October 11

Hey guys! We’ve got just 3 days left after today to get those donations in for the RAWR Write-a-Thon. You can donate with the PayPal button on the right of this site, or through the Write-a-Thon participants page on the site at


My current wordcount is 28,443 of my 35,000 word goal.


Below is an excerpt from the current novel project of Simon, our magically-inclined black and white fox having some one-on-one time with Cyril Understone, the Achilles Club’s librarian. This is, like all of the excerpts, a rough draft and one that I will definitely need to have looked over by extra sets of eyes in order to ensure fair and decent representation. For now, this is the scene.


PLEASE Be aware that this scene contains adult situations between two males. If this does not seem like something that interests you, please feel free to skip it.


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